The season premiere of the hit ABC show "Scandal" starring the talented and fabulous, Kerry Washington, aired September 25th. My mom and I absolutely LOVE this show and wanted to do
something fun to celebrate the new season of scandalous events to come.
What better way to celebrate than to create custom wine glasses that even Olivia Pope
herself would love?!?
- One wine glass
- E6000 glue
- Glass paint (I used the Martha Stewart brand since it is so good. Plus, there's a million colors to choose from with her brand!)
- White vinegar
- Rhinestones & knick knacks to decorate with
- Blue painters tape
- Paint brushes
- Paper towels
- Nail polish remover
Step 1: Wash the glass well with soap and water.
Step 2: Clean surface of the glass with white vinegar or rubbing alcohol with a paper towel. Allow to dry completely for the best results.

Step 3: Paint!
I taped a 1" around the rim, or however large and in charge your lips are, with Blue Painters tape. My painting tool of choice was a paint brush, but you can use a sponge or whatever you can imagine to use!
For an allover easy look, start the first coat by painting the base and continue up the stem and finish at the top where the brush meets the blue tape.
Repeat until desired look. I achieved this opaque Pewter color with at least two coats.
NOTE: If you mess up at all, try nail polish remover and Q-Tips ;)
Step 4: Set oven to 350 degrees.
Don't preheat the oven too early, it is best that you set the oven and put the glasses in at the same time. This allows the glasses to gradually heat up and not crack under the pressure!
For this design, position the glasses upside down on top of a cookie sheet lined with aluminum foil.
Step 5: Allow to "cook" for 20 minutes. Turn the heat off and leave the glasses in the oven for another 10 min.
Step 6: Decorate!
I was battling between two of my favorite #Scandal quotes:
1) "Consider it Handled"
2) "How Presidential are my Balls Now?"
As much as I wanted to use "presidential balls", I didn't have the patience nor enough letters :/
Next, I got creative and glued some decorative scrapbook rhinestones with transparent E6000 (Apparently they sell E6000 that dries white and even black! Don't make that mistake).
Hope this DIY is as fun for you as it was for my mom and I!